How to Replace Apache with Nginx on Ubuntu

Stop the Apache service before removing the Apache web server. This enables us to remove the Apache without any issues. After stopping the Apache you will remove the startup Apache entries from systemctl.

Replace an HTML Tag with Another Tag

To replace an HTML tag by another HTML tag we can use jquery functions. Using this code sample span tag can be replaced by anchor tag (a tag).

Fix – “Cookies are Blocked or Not Supported by Your Browser”

Errors are often part of the development process. During that, You eventually see the error message, “Cookies are blocked or not supported by your browser. You must enable cookies to use WordPress.” This error can occur when you log in to your WordPress website. This article explains a few options to solve the WordPress “enable ... Fix – “Cookies are Blocked or Not Supported by Your Browser”

JavaScript Interview Questions for Beginners

JavaScript is the popular programming language of the web. The high-level, interpreted programming language follows a multi-paradigm approach. It is different from Java language.

Google Analytics – LinkedIn Assessment Quiz

Q1. In the following URL, what channel grouping is traffic assigned to? '' Display Google Organic Search Paid Search Q2. If you want to evaluate if direct traffic delivered more traffic than organic search in August 2019, which report do you look at? Audience > Behavior > Engagement Realtime > Traffic Sources Acquisition > All ... Google Analytics – LinkedIn Assessment Quiz

Customize ::marker Pseudo Element and Use in Any Element

The ::marker pseudo-element is for styling the stylistic marker of a list element. For example, the bullet point of a default <ul> (e.g. •) or the numeral of a default <ol> (e.g. 1.). This makes it extremely easy to do simple things like colorize them. See the Pen Add marker to any HTML element by EduaturE (@eduature) on CodePen.

Eliminate Render-blocking CSS to Increase Google PageSpeed Score

Asynchronous or async loading refers to downloading and applying a page resource in the background, independently of other resources and without otherwise impacting the initial loading process. Terms & Techniques The terms lazy loading, on-demand, deferred, and asynchronous are all related to the various methods for minimizing initial-load page weight and eliminating render blocking resources. ... Eliminate Render-blocking CSS to Increase Google PageSpeed Score

Install and Setup Redis as a Cache with PHP on Ubuntu 20.04

Redis is an in-memory key-value store known for its flexibility, performance, and wide language support. To initiate the setup you need access to an Ubuntu 20.04 server that has user access with sudo privileges. Installing and Configuring Redis Begin by updating your local packages sudo apt update Then install Redis server sudo apt install redis-server ... Install and Setup Redis as a Cache with PHP on Ubuntu 20.04

Configure Redis Object Cache for WordPress

Redis is an open-source application, and it helps to store in-memory data structures, used as databases, for object caching, and more. You can configure Redis Object Cache for WordPress to get maximum performance and speed.

25 basic Ubuntu Commands

Ubuntu is the most popular Debian-based distribution of Linux Operating System; It was initially released in 2004. Due to its distinctive features, various distros of Linux are developed based on Ubuntu.

How to Install SSL Certificate on Apache 20.04 Web Server

SSL Certificate stands for Secure Sockets Layer and, in short, it’s the standard technology for keeping an internet connection secure and safeguarding any sensitive data that is being sent between two systems, preventing criminals from reading and modifying any information transferred, including potential personal details. The two systems can be a server and a client ... How to Install SSL Certificate on Apache 20.04 Web Server

How to disable feeds in WordPress custom post type using code

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication and has fallen in popularity over the years. Some say that RSS as a format of everyday content consumption is dead, and there’s no more space for RSS feeds in the era of social media. Google discontinued its feed reader Google Reader long back.